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From Yeast Pheromone Model

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Welcome to
The wiki is a modeling resource for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae mating pathway.
This resource is meant to serve as a centralized repository of information for modeling the pheromone response pathway, and contains an embedded computational model of the pheromone response pathway that anybody in the community can use. As a community resource, anyone can sign up for an account and contribute.
To request an account so you can contribute, please email Ty Thomson at ty DOT thomson AT gmail DOT com. Include your preferred username in the email.

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Model Instances
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Additional information

Receptor/G protein interactionsSte2RGS(Sst2)/Galpha(Gpa1)/Receptor(Ste2) interactionsSst2Gpa1Ste4Ste18Ste20Ste7Ptp3Msg5Ptp2Ste11/Ste50 interactionsSte11Ste50Fus3Fus3Kss1Kss1Ste5Ste5Dig1/Dig2/Ste12 interactionsDig1Dig2Ste12Ste12 mediated protein synthesisPheromone/Receptor interactionsPheromoneReceptor/G protein interactionsSte2RGS(Sst2)/Galpha(Gpa1)/Receptor(Ste2) interactionsSst2Gpa1Ste18Ste4/Ste5 interactions and Ste5 dimerization/oligomerizationSte4/Ste20 interactionSte4Ste20Ste5/MAPK cascade interactionsSte11/Ste50 interactionsSte50Ste11Ste7Fus3MAPK phosphorylation cascadePtp3Msg5Ste5Fus3Kss1Fus3Kss1Ptp2Dig1/Dig2/Ste12 phosphorylationDig1/Dig2/Ste12 interactionsDig1Dig2Ste12Ste12 mediated protein synthesis

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