Pheromone-dependent cell cycle arrest

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  • Deletion of Far1 eliminates pheromone-dependent cell cycle arrest. Chang and Herskowitz. 1990 PMID 2147873
    • Deletion of Cln2 restores the pheromone-dependent arrest of far1- cells.
  • Overexpression of Far1 does not cause cell cycle arrest in the absence of pheromone but does in the presence of pheromone, suggesting that Far1 by itself (or unmodified) is insufficient to cause arrest. Chang and Herskowitz. 1992 PMID 1498364
  • Far1 is phosphorylated in the absence of pheromone, and further phosphorylated in the presence of pheromone. Chang and Herskowitz. 1992 PMID 1498364
  • Although